Monday, January 26, 2009

So . . . What is a blog anyway?

According to, the definition of a blog is as follows . . .
Blog: an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a web page; also called Weblog, Web

So, are you wondering why I sent you to this blog? Well, a blog can be your personal diary or a collection of links. A blog can be a place to share your own thoughts. In short, a blog is whatever you want it to be. There are millions of them that come with a variety of of different personalities and characters.
The hope and aspiration of all of this is that as time goes by you will gain more and more information about libraries and the services that are available to you. That you can come in with ease and get all of the information that is at your fingertips (be it the library catalog or internet resources).
This blog was created to help "beginners" navigate through the web with a little more ease. A lot of stuff you read about you may already know, but that's okay. You don't have to read that post. Just click on a different post and you will probably find some other information that could be helpful. So now that the reasons for this blog is established, it is time to learn something new.
If you notice on the right side of the screen, there are news links for a variety of different subjects. If you click on one of these, it will take you to the article on that website and allow you to read the entire article. When you're ready to come back to this blog just press the back button at the top left section of the screen and it will take you right back to the happy and helpful librarian. Try it. Yeah, it's pretty cool.
Are you looking for that next book in the series and you're not sure what book comes next? At the bottom of this blog there are some good links for finding book lists and some other book resources that are operator friendly.
Fantastic Fiction is my all time favorite, so try out some of those links as well.
Well, that's all for our lessons today, until next time . . .

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